Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm supposed to be on the shakes but I'm still on the water!!

Hey hey peoples.... I'm bak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

feels like I haven't had a chance to blog in like weeks when Its been like 1 week I guess... So I went to Perth and my brother got married... so glad to be back in sunny Qld though... I love Brisbane... love it...

got back at 7am friday and had my appointment with Dr Carmody at the Mater Private at 9.30am... picked up my car up and headed straight to my appointment with a tired 2 year old.... I didn't have time to take MarMar home so she was with me and in fine form... She played up the whole time in the sitting room, in my consultation... to which Dr Carmody was fully accommodating because he also has kids but I was just over tired from my flight and over whelmed from MarMar that I didn't ask all the questions that I wanted to. He gave me a good run through of what to expect of his service though and I am glad that I decided to finally go with the Mater. They have great follow up and support and are there through the whole journey with you to help you reach your goals. He was honest about the fact that some patients don't loose any weight but that alot do,.

I felt good with him and am at this stage still going ahead with the surgery next week.

My deliema though is that Saturday I came down with a horrid stomach virus... Like I haven't been to the toilet so many times in my life... I finally got that to settle Monday avo and then the cramps haven't stopped... I've been to the doctor. there's not much more they can give me I just have to rest and ride it out.. I've had water after water after water... last night I had a piece of fish purely to get something into me... it was delicious and more than enough and didn't upset my stomach and this morning I had 2 pieces of toast and a cuppa... I have been eating dry salada crackers on and off too.. I am supposed to be on optifast stage but because I am super dehydrated I had to eat bits here and there to get my energy up and rehydrate... I tell you the hydralyte shit sucks...

anyways getting over it slowly and hope to be alright by tomorrow... last night was the first nite since before I left for Perth that I had a full nights rest... and I wasn't up and down with pain all night. I rang mum and my bro and they both have the same thing as me so I think we picked it up travelling home from Perth actually... though MarMar hasn't got it yet touch wood and she was with us... I told mum that the cramps felt like I was in labour... seriously they were that bad... she agreed... said she felt the same.... honestly I've had bugs before but this time its been lethal... anyways thats what has led me to reconsider my surgery date for next week... given that I ain't feeling tops and that I have had time off this week from work I am wondering wether I should push the surgery back a week or two.... my doctor said not to worry and I should be over it by then... but my main concern is that I have had to eat when I am supposed to be on opti at the moment... and to be honest now I am getting a little better I feel like a big steak meal and heaps of steamed vegies... mmm cause I feel like I am an empty shell...

oh well... we'll see...
maybe I am supposed to feel absolute shite anyway in this stage... so should just get over it and go with it now since I already feel like this :)???

going to have a weight watchers minestrone soup to fill me up instead.... not quiet a steak and not quiet optifast but a pretty good trade off I reckon...

did I mention that I appreciate all the advice and support I've been getting too... can't wait to hear about Zena and her sister's op tomorrow.... hope all goes well....

I am freaking a little bit about the Op to be honest... just a little.... but reading everyone else's blogs convinces me that its going to be ok...


Apex Zombie said...

Sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you get over that soon. It's never fun having stomach cramps and the like.

Just noticed you have a link back to my blog and wanted to say thanks. I also wanted to clear up that I'm not a "bander", and I haven't had any weight loss surgery :)