Thursday, October 2, 2008

something short

Well took Mar Mar and her brother to the movies this morning to see Beverley Hills Chuhuahua and it was pretty funny... we also went out to brekky first at the coffee club... had bacon and eggs for the first time in what felt like ages and was so full afterwards that I didn't have lunch... still not hungry and its now 2pm... had nearly a litre of water so far too..

for dinner the kids asked for nachos... haven't made them in ages but thought I would get avacados, tomatoes and lettuce and kinda make it into a nacho/taco mix up... so that its not just chips, cheese and sauce..

got a bad cough today... going to go and try and rest for a bit with my daughter... she has passed on the flu to me... hoping to be better for the big weekend by tomorrow or I may not be going to my netball break up afterall :(



Nola said...

Awww no good! Hope you feel better for your big weekend!